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Location: Darjeeling Express, London
Date: 29.04.18

Our first ever supperclub was hosted at 'darjeeling express', nestled on the top floor of Kingly court, carnaby street. the restaurant is renowned for it's all-female kitchen and formidable head chef - asma khan, serving up traditional indian dishes from her childhood.
After attending one of asma's notoriously good supperclubs, we learned that there was space for us to host our own in the gorgeous restaurant which sported SOFT pale blue walls lined with OLD pictures OF her indian heritage. It was a perfect setting for us, so on a balmy spring morning, we headed down to set up our very own evening serving up fusional flavours and drawing inspiration from the pockets of immigrants that came to the UK TO FORGE A BETTER LIFE ALL THE WHILE FOTIFYING OUR PALATES WITH FLAVOURS FROM HOME.




@csylsy.lens - photography

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